Association intervalle
About us
Inaugurated in the spring of 2003, the Maison d’INTERVALLE is essential for the quality improvement of the children’s life in a hospital.
The INTERVALLE Association has been created by four institutions who gathered their strengths and skills to create and manage a welcoming accommodation and supervision for families with a child who is hospitalized in Lausanne.
Lausanne University Hospital
Family support services
Association of Families of Children with Cancer of the French speaking park of Switzerland
Fondation AS’TRAME
Foundation: Support for children and families suffering breakdowns
3,400 seriously in their health affected children and adolescents are hospitalized to recieve medical treatment in Lausanne each year. Many of them are not living in the capital of the Vaud Canton and therefore have to stay far away from their parents.
Moreover, families with children who need special treatments have to go to specialized hospitals in Lausanne, which are away from home.
This situation adds even more sufferance to the pain that the parents already have, because of the not knowing what will exactly happen to their child. Psychical discomfort and emotional stress related to the situation often occur. Organizing the family quickly becomes more complicated, and even well-balanced budgets can be jeopardized when accommodation close to the hospital needs to be found.
Lausanne is lacking accommodations for the families of hospitalized children and we therefore wanted to make every effort to preserve the family life, which is an indispensable and balancing element in any healing process. By the creation of the house Intervalle, we allow every hospitalized child, whatever his social level or his origin is, to stay close to her or his parents.
Our objectives

the family life

the family in personalized surrounding and a collaborative network

through listening and sharing
These 3 engagements play a central role in the INTERVALLE home, as the house is also a place to exchange, somewhere where you can find mutual assistance and dialogue, respecting the intimacy and allowing the hospitalized child to maintain in an emotional balance that is needed to assure the quality his medical treatment.
We want the families to find the marks they need to support the hospitalization of their child and to incorporate the consequences.